Bethlehem’s Christians Concerned by Future under Hamas

|TOP|With the Palestinian general election bringing victory for the Islamists of Hamas, Bethlehem’s dwindling Christian population is voicing concern over the latest threat to religious freedom in the birthplace of Jesus.

The congregation attending mass at the Church of the Nativity, situated in the centre of the West Bank town, is just one of many churches in the area that now have numerous representatives from the radical Islamist group in parliament as Christians, reports AFP.

Franciscan father Amjad Sabbara remained optimistic as he greeted the congregation at the doors of the church, the scene of a 38-day siege by the Israeli army in April 2002.

"It's the result of the democratic process. There is nothing to worry about. We're waiting to see their projects," he told AFP.

"We have relations with Hamas: They tell us that they are going to respect all the religions.

"In Bethlehem, we are a good number, half of the population. We have a special status: the Christ is born here. I'm sure they are going to respect that."

|QUOTE|Others are less hopeful, however, following one proposal by some newly-elected Hamas deputies shortly after the election that sent alarm bells flying among Palestine’s scant Christian population – now around only 3 per cent.

The deputies suggested the introduction of at least parts of Sharia law, including a general edict that would require women to wear a veil and boys and girls to be separated at school.

Despite Hamas’ leadership quickly distancing itself from the proposal, some Christians still fear that the gradual introduction of Sharia law remains the ultimate goal of the movement.

One woman in attendance at the Sunday mass, who gave her name as Rula, was not so concerned about being forced to wear a veil but had nonetheless a bleak outlook on the future of Christians in Bethlehem under Hamas.

"They will oblige maybe the Muslim women, but not us," she said.

"What worries me more is that they are far away from what the Israeli people think. Fatah (the former ruling party) was closer.

"I don't think they can reach a peace agreement with Israel. And life for us is going to be more difficult. But we get used to it."

|AD|In a joint-statement released last Wednesday, the leaders of the 12 different Christian churches represented in the Holy Land said they were prepared to cooperate with a Palestinian government led by Hamas.

"We pray for all those who will govern in this difficult period, and we extend our cooperation to them for the public good and the national Palestinian aspirations together with the cause of justice and peace," the church leaders said in the statement.

Walid Andonia, another Christian in Bethlehem, remains unconvinced by the reassurances from the Hamas leaders that Christians in Palestine have nothing to fear.

"Sure, now Hamas says nice things, but five years from now, I don't know. They're not saying everything they want to do," said the stone mason.

"A lot of Bethlehem Christians are leaving and going abroad. They are selling their houses and their land to Muslim and leaving.

"I would go in a minute if I could. We're like in a cage, here. We hate our life, even if we love our country.

"Those who say they are not afraid of Hamas are lying to you. Give visas to America or Europe, and you'll see how fast Bethlehem Christians are going to leave."

"I tell you, my Muslim friends are as worried as I am. They drink more alcohol than us. They don't want their women to wear the veil... But they will have to."